Thursday, November 06, 2008

The Obama-Nation: Nightmares from Election Night

I did not vote for Obama, but I am glad he got elected given the alternative. Yet, I fear we are becoming an Obama-Nation that is most assuredly an abomination. The Obama-Nation part is the insane cult of personality surrounding Obama, such as the Soviet-ish look of his posters, complete with Communist Red coloring.

I went to sleep early on election night but was awakened throughout the night and into the morning by the continuous sound of screaming. Throngs of Obama supporters screamed and swarmed through the streets of New York into the early hours of the morning. I cannot believe that people can scream continuously for so long. The screams gave me nightmares and in those nightmares I saw Obama's face surrounded by a red halo.

What is happening to America that people lose themselves and worship their Dear Leader? American individualism was notably absent during that election night. People became part of a great collective, and they pined for the man, their leader, who will deliver them from their fearful lives.

I will fight for American individualism, the land where each of us is free by right from our neighbors, and the government does no more than protect that right. America is far away from that now. The fight will be long and hard.


Kendall J said...


1. I think there probably are some valid reasons to celebrate. For instance, it is the first AA President and that in and of itself is a milestone.

2. I think the gloss will wear off, as it does with most new presidencies once the hard work of actually running the country. Obama is hogtied six ways from sunday in actually being able to do what he said he might, and this will show quickly.

3. There is something to be said for living in a small town. I got a good night's sleep! :)

Kendall J said...

VP has a nice snippet on this very phenomena. "Hope" and "Change" aren't going to go very far, when you actually have to start making tough messy decisions. Most of what Obama said about any of his policy ideas is inherently contradictory, but glossed over in the frenzy. He wont be able to do that soon.

I give "Camelot II" about 6-9 months.

Chuck said...

"I think there probably are some valid reasons to celebrate. For instance, it is the first AA President and that in and of itself is a milestone."

Why is that a reason to celebrate? The only relevant qualification for government is dedication to the protection of individual rights. What is there about being an African American - a collectivist/racist concept, to begin with - that has anything to do with individual rights?

madmax said...

I agree with Chuck. I see nothing good about race relations in America. Obama was elected in large part because of White Man's Burden and Liberal guilt. In fact, I fear that Obama's Presidency might unleash the very palbable black rage that exists in this country. Obama will also likely encourage all the black grievance claims that the Left will exploit for their advantage. Here is a Shelby Steele column that captures nicely the race aspects of Obama's victory:,0,6553798.story

Galileo Blogs said...

Thank you for the link to the excellent Shelby Steele article. Here is a quote from it:

"Obama...tapped into a deep longing in American life -- the longing on the part of whites to escape the stigma of racism."

The entire article is worth reading.

I have to admit that, as a white person, I have the *feeling* that Steele describes. It is just a feeling, but nevertheless it's there.

Intellectually, though, the *only* thing that matters to me is what Obama will do as president. The fact that he is black is not a factor, one way or the other. He will do bad things; I think McCain would have done worse things, or at least his actions would have had worse consequences by maintaining the strength of the Religious Right.

Given that race was not a factor in my assessment of Obama and especially after having read Steele's article, Obama's references to the historic nature of his election takes on a somewhat different meaning. I think Steele is correct; Obama is cueing off white guilt, and claiming power from it.

Having said that, it *is* historic that a black man has been elected. Then why does it make me uncomfortable that Obama himself spends so much time making this point?

madmax said...

"Then why does it make me uncomfortable that Obama himself spends so much time making this point?"

I agree with this sentiment as I feel it too. I think a large part of it is that because of multiculturalism, the demise of anti-black racism did not occur in a healthy way. It is not the fact that a philosophy of individualism caused the the demise of racism. Black racism has diminished in part because of the foisting of unearned guilt on white people by the Egalitarian Left.

I think the same think has happened with women. Women's liberation from paternalism unfortunately has come at the expense of male castration by feminism. It didn't have to happen this way and it shouldn't have, but I think it has. The Civil Rights and Women's Rights movements have be stolen by the Left and therefore corrupted.

So, its not in a true spirit of individualism that we have a black President. That is why I can't even take joy in that aspect of it. Underneath the guise of supposed equality lies the intimidation and guilt which basically means that racism still lives but has been pushed beneath the surface.

Anonymous said...

I think Madmax, in the 6th post on this thread, nailed exactly the true meaning of the historic moment in which Americans elected a black president, given the corrupt cultural-political context that gave rise to a (half) black man like Obama.